Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Replys to State News Publications

Over the past week or two I have been reading many of the replies posted on the State News Web-site, regarding the debate of Vegan food/Commercial Livestock Production/Animal Rights, etc.... Many of the comments have been intriguing, entertaining, somewhat disturbing, while also being very thought provoking...

Here are the links to the three publications:
I will be writing about my thoughts regarding the many replies in the near future...

Original Column:

My reply:

A response to my letter to the editor:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I see merit to both sides of the issue, I think for your next post you should aggregate some of the comments left on the stories and make a "best of" series.

They're stupid and have nothing positive to contribute to the conversation, but they sure are an entertaining way to kill five minutes.