Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Replys to State News Publications

Over the past week or two I have been reading many of the replies posted on the State News Web-site, regarding the debate of Vegan food/Commercial Livestock Production/Animal Rights, etc.... Many of the comments have been intriguing, entertaining, somewhat disturbing, while also being very thought provoking...

Here are the links to the three publications:
I will be writing about my thoughts regarding the many replies in the near future...

Original Column:

My reply:

A response to my letter to the editor:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

MSU State News letter to the editor

Columnist incorrectly portrays commercial livestock industry

Students should know the truths of commercial livestock production before naively signing petitions regarding vegan food.

In response to Drew Robert Winter’s column, More vegan food needed in dorms (SN 10/10), it is clear Winter’s sole concern is not providing an increase in food choices to MSU students. He merely has a radical agenda to abolish animal agriculture — an industry that is world-renowned for responsibly producing a high-quality, healthy and affordable protein source.

Like all other livestock industries, the pork industry condemns the abuse of any animal. America’s livestock producers take ethical responsibility for taking proper care of livestock seriously and will not tolerate any mistreatment of animals.

Commercial livestock producers also are the original recyclers, managing their operations in a truly “green” manner. Producers utilize the nutrients in forages and grains to create a highly palatable protein source, containing vitamins such as B-12 that cannot be obtained from plant sources.

The natural nutrients in livestock waste are then applied to fields in a highly regulated manner, allowing for continued growth of grains, produce and vegetables. In fact, many crop producers rely on the nutrient matter from livestock, so they may grow soybeans, which are used for products such as tofu in vegan diets.

As a livestock producer and consumer, I have great confidence in the safety, traceability and stewardship of the U.S. livestock industry. Today, producers instill the same ethical, social and environmental values that our great land-grant university was founded on in 1855.

Paul Ayers

animal science senior

Published on Tuesday, October 14, 2008


For official statements from the pork industry regarding the recent PETA investigation please go to:


To often individuals naively sign petitions without knowing the the full facts of the story. An example of this can be found by viewing the following YouTube video:
